1. Pain is always the last sign of a problem.
The human body is very strong and versatile when it comes to pain. The body can get by for months or even years before any signs of pain arise. Pain is usually the reason for visits to your chiropractor. If you are taking medication for your pain, the pain may go away, but the dysfunction that caused the pain still persists. Dysfunctions in the body present in different ways, for example: Headaches, diarrhea, asthma, allergies and so on are signs and symptoms for your body to alert you of something being wrong. Muscles, ligaments and joints are often injured due to long-term biomechanical dysfunctions, usually from past injuries that were not treated properly or not allowed to fully heal. These dysfunctions can lead to future injuries so it is important to keep your body healthly before your symptoms appear. Regular visits to your chiropractic are important not only when you feel pain, but periodically to prevent future injury and improve your overall health. 2. Athletes use chiropractors every day to stay on top of their game. Chiropractors are one of the leading health care providers that help athletes remove the causes of pain and help increase range of motion in the body. We are biomechanical movement specialist. Chiropractors are noted throughout all of sports and are used heavily by professional teams all over the world. Athletes such as Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Jerry Rice, Derek Rose, Aaron Rogers, Terrell Ownes, Michael Phelps, and Tom Brady are just some of the top performing athletes in the world that use Chiropractic to stay on top of their game. Chiropractors not only help rehabilitate athletes for their return to play, but help prevent injuries, maintain flexibility, improving coordination and improve an athlete’s competitive edge through confidence and health. 3. Proper control of your nervous system helps maintain the bodies normal cascade function. The human brain is the control center for the entire body. The spinal cord is a long, thin bundle of nervous tissue that extends from the brain and is how your brain communicates with the rest of your body. The brain and spinal cord together make up the central nervous system (CNS). Dysfunctions in the spinal column may cause a disruption in the transmission of these signals from the brain. These spinal nerves travel through the vertebrae of the spine and out to the organs and tissues of the body. When there is a disruption of this signal, it is term a subluxation by the chiropractic profession. Chiropractors don’t just treat symptoms of pain, but also the causes of pain and eliminating disruptions in the spinal nerve transmission caused by subluxations. Chiropractors have a vast education base in the spine and surrounding human anatomy. Our diagnostic skills allow us to diagnose any dysfunctions in the body and treat them through Chiropractic and physiotherapy care. If you have any questions regarding chiropractic and the nervous system, contact Elevate Chiropractic today for more information. 4. Your Chiropractor does not have healing powers. Chiropractors are not out to “fix your back” or “heal your pain.” Rather, our goal is to restore proper biomechanics of the human body and proper nerve flow from the brain. By allowing for improved natural spinal motion and eliminating any tension on spinal nerves and muscles, we allow the body to regenerate normal function through natural healing. Chiropractors believe that the body is best at its natural state and disease is caused through disruptions of this natural state. We as Chiropractors never treat the disease or signs or symptoms. Our goal is to find the cause of dysfunctions and treat the body through chiropractic manipulation (adjustments) in order to restore this proper nerve flow generated by the nervous system. As disruptions are removed, the body will naturally restore itself to a normal state. 5. Age does not matter when it comes to Chiropractic. From newborns to seniors, everyone can benefit from Chiropractic care. There is no patient to young or too old. The Chiropractic art is practiced in order to help alleviate dysfunction of the body regardless of the age of the patient. Newborn babies endure unparalleled amounts of physical stress during the birthing process. Studies have found that 95% of newborns have subluxations in their neck and that removing these subluxations may prevent the development of several types of disease including, infantile colic, bedwetting, allergies, asthma and behavioral disorders (ADD/ADHD). Please visit www.icpa4kids.com for more information regarding children and chiropractic or contact Elevate Chiropractic today for more information. 6. Chiropractors not only specialize in your spine, but every aspect of your body. Chiropractors are very educated in every aspect of your health. We are highly trained in diagnosis and procedures, radiology (x-ray, MRI, CT) evaluations and report writing, physical therapy procedures, fitness and nutrition. Chiropractic is not only a treatment for pain but also and lifestyle that helps you improve your health and make lasting changes to your life. We also specialize in areas of pediatrics, geriatrics, sports rehabilitation, and neurology. Here at Elevate Chiropractic, we specialize in whiplash injury biomechanics and brain traumatology through advanced certifications from the Spine Research Institute of San Diego. If you would like more information about the conditions we treat, please visit our services page or contact Elevate Chiropractic today. 7. You are just as responsible as your doctor. In order for chiropractic treatment to be effective, the patient must share some of the responsibility. Often times, patients of chiropractic claim that “treatment did not help their condition” or that “it was a waste of time.” In most cases, one does not start to have low back pain overnight. It takes time for serious chronic conditions to develop and the result is usually your trip to a chiropractor’s office. Continued misuse of your body or biomechanical alterations in normal function can lead to the symptoms experienced as pain. As chiropractors it is important for us to find out the cause of your condition and help you make changes. It is important for people to understand that it took months or even years for their condition to develop and alleviating their condition does not happen instantaneously. Chiropractors understand the physiological mechanism of cell damage and repair and the importance of providing the body with the proper tools to reach our goals of a symptom free life. Chiropractors will often give their patients nutritional advice or even exercises to perform at home to help increase the rate of recovery and help build strength in body structures to aid in the prevention of future occurrences of pain. 8. Chiropractic can help with frequent colds or getting sick. Studies have shown that patients who are receiving regular chiropractic adjustments may be less likely to get sick and have decreased durations of illness. Regular adjustments can reduce the production of pro-inflammatory mediators associated with tissue damage and pain and help increase the body’s production of regulatory processes that aid your immune system. It is very common for patients of chiropractic to notice changes in their health. Patients who seek regular chiropractic care are more in tune with their health and are given recommendations on how to live a healthier life. From the food that we eat to the activities we are involved in, it is important to ask how the benefits of chiropractic can help you. Chiropractors specialize in a wide variety of healthcare and are well versed in every aspect of your health. Little changes such as regular adjustments, diet alterations and exercise can increase your immune system and help your body make changes for the future. Ask how Elevate Chiropractic can help change your life today! 9. "Someone told me once I go, I will have to go forever." Depending on the injury you sustained or the condition you are visiting your chiropractor for, regular frequent visits may be necessary for the first 2-3 weeks, sometimes longer, in order for the treatment to be effective. Your chiropractor will discuss your treatment plan with you and make sure you understand every aspect of your recovery. One you have reached a symptom free point, it is important for us to maintain your health through periodic visits to your chiropractor. It is important to address that symptoms are the last indicator of disease and chiropractors focus on prevention through continued maintenance care. Just like regular check-up with your medical doctor or dentist are important to catch early signs of disease, regular check-up with your chiropractor are just as important to your health. Please visit our spine information page for more information on how chiropractic adjustments help maintain a healthy spine. 10. Adjustments do not hurt. Getting adjusted for the first time can be a little nerve racking. Chiropractors are well trained in the art of manipulation and understand the biomechanics behind how the spine and different joints function. For many new patients, the sound a chiropractic adjustment makes may make them a little weary. The sound created is termed cavitation and is the result of gases being released from the joint capsule when space is being created between two adjacent joints. The sound is simply a “pop” or “crack” heard. Chiropractic adjustments do not cause wear and tear on your joints, but rather help increase the nutrients provided to your joint capsules and discs in between your vertebrae. There is a common misnomer that “knuckle cracking” can lead to arthritic conditions and is not advised. There have been many studies released proving just the opposite and chiropractors are one of the leaders in healthcare that promote the movement of joints in order to increase the amount of nutrients and health of our joints. Please visit our spine page for more information about chiropractic adjustments and your spine. If you are looking for a chiropractor in Rancho Cucamonga, please contact Elevate Chiropractic today to see how your life can be changed through chiropractic. By Jimmy Sayegh DC Jimmy Sayegh Chiropractic Corp., Rancho Cucamonga, Ca Elevate Chiropractic
About the Author:
Jimmy Sayegh, DC
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